Monday, November 28, 2011
Hey okay like I said before I'M SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED THAT YOU GET TO COME DOWN HERE!!!!!! Everyone will be so happy to meet you and I will be happy to say goodbye before I go. I have just loved every second here as a missionary and am going to continue to love every last second...even when it is a ROLLERCOASTER!!!!! This week was CRAZY.
First off though, that sounds like a fun Thanksgiving with 30 people!!!!!!!!!! WOW! Did you have a good black Friday shopping time? Find any good socks? haha
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just so everyone knows, I like Steve because he is always willing to share with others what he has!
Short email this week . . .
got to go!
BUT I LOVE YOU AND PRAY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
She is so strong in the faith and knows that death is not all and that God has greater purpose for everything
and can't wait for all the delicious pumpkiny goodness to come THIS WEEK! The pumpkin smash at Jamba sounds DELICIOUS.
Hey QUICK QUESTION! The office called me this week confirming flight plans for the 25th... but I asked her about if you were planning on coming, could we change that for later - she said yes, but I need to approve it through President Trayner first. BUT I was just wondering if that was still something you had time/funds to do? I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to introduce you both to everyone, but I understand completely that the timing isn't super convenient and would cost a lot. So, think about it, pray about it and then I'll ask President Trayner - if it is something you'll be able to do.
This week was pretty good :) I've been sick basically all the week but worked through it...Saturday evening I ended up losing my voice though haha TOO MUCH TALKING. Angel and Javier had some trials this week :( Their car broke down completely and need to buy an 800 dollar engine
Her drivers license (that she was waiting on for marriage) was sent to
the wrong address so she had to go apply AGAIN for another one. Long
story short : through a miracle they SHOULD be able to buy the marriage
license tomorrow haha. I've just been praying like crazy for them.
They are still awesome though :) Angel and Sonja are always studying
the Gospel Principles book together. Hopefully we'll have a Thanksgiving wedding!
The week has been really good work wise. We had three investigators come to the YSA I got to go :D I know basically all the members there and felt like I was in school again haha - so it is a good thing I don't go there all the time. It is interesting to see how prepared the younger generation is!!!! Things are going good - Angel and Javier should be baptized this Sunday... then Dec 4 Edison, Dec 11 Claudia... we are working so so hard so that they can overcome their challenges and enter in through the straight gate of baptism!
Yesterday we went to the funeral of Elder Strong and Walker. We heard from Sister Strong. She said someone asked her "If you would have known this was going to happen before, would you still send your son out on a mission?" and she said "OH YES." IT WAS POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!! She is so strong in the faith and knows that death is not all and that God has a greater purpose for everything.
Hey QUICK QUESTION! The office called me this week confirming flight plans for the 25th... but I asked her about if you were planning on coming, could we change that for later - she said yes, but I need to approve it through President Trayner first. BUT I was just wondering if that was still something you had time/funds to do? I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to introduce you both to everyone, but I understand completely that the timing isn't super convenient and would cost a lot. So, think about it, pray about it and then I'll ask President Trayner - if it is something you'll be able to do.
This week was pretty good :) I've been sick basically all the week but worked through it...Saturday evening I ended up losing my voice though haha TOO MUCH TALKING. Angel and Javier had some trials this week :( Their car broke down completely and need to buy an 800 dollar engine
The week has been really good work wise. We had three investigators come to the YSA I got to go :D I know basically all the members there and felt like I was in school again haha - so it is a good thing I don't go there all the time. It is interesting to see how prepared the younger generation is!!!! Things are going good - Angel and Javier should be baptized this Sunday... then Dec 4 Edison, Dec 11 Claudia... we are working so so hard so that they can overcome their challenges and enter in through the straight gate of baptism!
Yesterday we went to the funeral of Elder Strong and Walker. We heard from Sister Strong. She said someone asked her "If you would have known this was going to happen before, would you still send your son out on a mission?" and she said "OH YES." IT WAS POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!! She is so strong in the faith and knows that death is not all and that God has a greater purpose for everything.
Monday, November 14, 2011
I KNOW He protects His servants...but I also know that He has a specific plan/work for each one of His children.
Yes, it has been a sad week :( We had just
finished our awesome conference with Elder Zivic (Quorum of the Seventy)
where Elder Walker had demonstrated in Spanish how to tie his
shoelaces... it was really funny - he is a hoot. So we had just seen
them that night and then the next morning we got a phone call from a
member telling us they got in a bike accident and passed away. We were
all in shock and cried alllllllllllllllllllll morning, it was horrible.
We all had the worst headaches. But, at least we got out all of our
tears then and we haven't cried since. I actually knew Elder Walker a
lot more than Elder Strong. He was in my district for about 5 months in
Brownsville... so I saw him many times a week and practiced teaching
with him. He is a goof ball. I loved working with him - he helped us
one time when I got a flat on my bike tire. He and Elder Velez came
all the way over to help us patch my tire. He was super nice, funny and
always serving/smiling.
It has been a wake-up call that LIFE IS SHORT! We never know when our time is going to be. We can only be ready. I know they were both ready. People we meet on the street ask us "Why would God do that to them? Why wouldn't He take the drug dealers or bad people? Why didn't He protect them?" Something that I have truly gained a testimony of on my mission is that God DOES protect His servants. I have seen it number of times with me, being in a dangerous situation but escaping from them - especially with dogs :) I KNOW He protects His servants...but I also know that He has a specific plan/work for each one of His children. I know He has some other work for them to do in the spirit world. They will be companions over there too :)
Don't worry, I always wear my helmet :) Actually you can rest easy because I haven't ridden a bike for a while because Sister Cortes can't ride one with her asthma.
The work is going good! This week was kind of crazy... but there have been so many miracles as well. Javier and Angel are doing good. Her license STILL HASN'T COME...she is going to go in and check where it is at because it has already been three weeks! As long as everything goes well with that, they'll be getting baptized this Sunday :) We are going to borrow a member's guitar and see if we can come up with a special musical number for their baptism :)
Sonya and Emily were in the Primary Program this Sunday :) They did awesome. They seem like they have been members all their lives! .. guess what section Sonya talked about? MISSIONARY WORK. Coincidence? No! She is going to be a missionary :) Already decided.
John and Lamont (who I was teaching in Edinburg that got baptized last month) went to the Temple for the first time to do baptisms. It is just the most amazing/gratifying thing to see the spiritual progression of the people we meet. My heart is full!!!!
DAD'S DINNER SOUNDS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell the exchange student to stay because I want to talk with her in Spanish!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been a wake-up call that LIFE IS SHORT! We never know when our time is going to be. We can only be ready. I know they were both ready. People we meet on the street ask us "Why would God do that to them? Why wouldn't He take the drug dealers or bad people? Why didn't He protect them?" Something that I have truly gained a testimony of on my mission is that God DOES protect His servants. I have seen it number of times with me, being in a dangerous situation but escaping from them - especially with dogs :) I KNOW He protects His servants...but I also know that He has a specific plan/work for each one of His children. I know He has some other work for them to do in the spirit world. They will be companions over there too :)
Don't worry, I always wear my helmet :) Actually you can rest easy because I haven't ridden a bike for a while because Sister Cortes can't ride one with her asthma.
The work is going good! This week was kind of crazy... but there have been so many miracles as well. Javier and Angel are doing good. Her license STILL HASN'T COME...she is going to go in and check where it is at because it has already been three weeks! As long as everything goes well with that, they'll be getting baptized this Sunday :) We are going to borrow a member's guitar and see if we can come up with a special musical number for their baptism :)
Sonya and Emily were in the Primary Program this Sunday :) They did awesome. They seem like they have been members all their lives! .. guess what section Sonya talked about? MISSIONARY WORK. Coincidence? No! She is going to be a missionary :) Already decided.
John and Lamont (who I was teaching in Edinburg that got baptized last month) went to the Temple for the first time to do baptisms. It is just the most amazing/gratifying thing to see the spiritual progression of the people we meet. My heart is full!!!!
DAD'S DINNER SOUNDS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell the exchange student to stay because I want to talk with her in Spanish!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 7, 2011
It really is true that more special spirits are coming to this earth.
SO. What a beautiful picture! That is super pro Mom. I'm excited to see all your other pics. That is exiting that you and Dad went on a date :) Sounds like it is going to be a cold winter. Here we had a cold front this week and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sis Cooper and I went running in normal cold weather for once. It makes me excited to live in cold again someday :)
This week was great! Emily and Sonja were confirmed on Sunday. In Sonja's blessing, God told her about how she was going to share the gospel with many people. It was really cool to hear that because I can see it. During testimony meeting, she turned to Sister Cortes and said "Now that I'm baptized, does that mean I need to go up and give my testimony? I'm nervous!" Sister Cortes said "Only if you want to! but you don't have to." So about ten minutes later she walks up and gives her cute little testimony :) Awwwww! I didn't even give my testimony until I was in college... and she just got baptized! It really is true that more and more special spirits are coming to this earth. Angel was crying... Javier is progressing well and committed to live the WOW!
So guess what? I know that God truly knows His children and works with their talents/weaknesses. So one of Sister Bricker's talents is... always needing to use the restroom! know me Mom haha nothing has changed. So earlier that day we were invited to a baptism by a girl named Amanda she was like "I really hope you can make it!" and we told her we would try...even though we had a lot of work to do that night. We ended up being really busy but we went to the church really quick because we needed to pick something up and I had to go to the bathroom like never before! So I told Sister Cortes "I'm really sorry, but we've got to go to the bathroom!" As soon as we walked into the bathroom there was Amanda, all dressed in white and tearing up a bit. When she saw us she gave us the biggest hug and let out a sigh of relief and said "I KNEW you would come!" She shared how amazing she was feeling about to be baptized. We were able to see her be baptized and help her afterwards changing. It was a special moment that we were able to share with her.... and all because God knows His children and how I am and timed everything perfect so we were able to get our work done AND help Amanda at her baptism...because of my talent of always needing to go to the bathroom.
Haha.. I thought you might appreciate that story!
I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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