Monday, July 25, 2011
This week was AWESOME and full of MILAGROS!
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! That totally sounds like you are all having so much fun! That is awesome... except from your foot part :( I wonder what it was... m.s.?! Haha just kidding. Well maybe someday I will be able to diagnose you but not today haha. It is good you are starting to feel better though! It is still kind of frustrating to not know what it was.... like when I got that weird lung thing. It went away, but I still wanted to know what in the world was causing the pain.
Was Whitney at the reunion?
Okay this week was AWESOME and full of MILAGROS! We had the mini missionaries with us. They were super fun and all excited about knocking doors and teaching lessons. They have such powerful testimonies already... I wish I knew at their age! This week we had interviews with President Trayner. It was really good. He told me that I'm at the part of my mission where I need to be SPRINTING. When you start out, it is kind of at a slow jog, then you get faster and faster and now I'm at the sprinting stage of my mission. This is where I take all the things I've learned and apply them to help more people receive their own conversion. It was good motivation. This whole week I have been going strong with strong desires to work work work. I love it. I can't believe this transfer is almost already over.
Two of our investigators came to church on Sunday :) :) :) They should be getting baptized in the upcoming weeks. She said she liked it a lot better than last time. It is a super big change from the Catholic church so that has been a struggle for her. She says though that she just has had this emptiness that hasn't been filled... and that is why she wants to make the change.
The other investigator...the hippie lady who is so funny... she read the whole Word of Wisdom chapter on her own in class and QUIT COFFEE ON HER OWN! Wooo hoooo! We had a lesson with her and she just seemed super down and she told us because she had been off of coffee for two days. I talked to her yesterday on the phone though and she said her withdrawl is totally over now and she feels fine! Yay for blessings from God. I wish you could just meet all these awesome people! My weak emails just don't do them justice! The Lord has been blessing us to find lots of families this transfer!
Well I just want to say that I learned that when we pray for things... the Lord really helps us out... basic right? But sometimes I forget to pray about the little things thinking that it really won't make a difference - but it DOES. It is so funny, I'm a missionary, you think I'd know that by now... but we keep learning something new every day... usually more simple than profound.
Was Whitney at the reunion?
Okay this week was AWESOME and full of MILAGROS! We had the mini missionaries with us. They were super fun and all excited about knocking doors and teaching lessons. They have such powerful testimonies already... I wish I knew at their age! This week we had interviews with President Trayner. It was really good. He told me that I'm at the part of my mission where I need to be SPRINTING. When you start out, it is kind of at a slow jog, then you get faster and faster and now I'm at the sprinting stage of my mission. This is where I take all the things I've learned and apply them to help more people receive their own conversion. It was good motivation. This whole week I have been going strong with strong desires to work work work. I love it. I can't believe this transfer is almost already over.
Two of our investigators came to church on Sunday :) :) :) They should be getting baptized in the upcoming weeks. She said she liked it a lot better than last time. It is a super big change from the Catholic church so that has been a struggle for her. She says though that she just has had this emptiness that hasn't been filled... and that is why she wants to make the change.
The other investigator...the hippie lady who is so funny... she read the whole Word of Wisdom chapter on her own in class and QUIT COFFEE ON HER OWN! Wooo hoooo! We had a lesson with her and she just seemed super down and she told us because she had been off of coffee for two days. I talked to her yesterday on the phone though and she said her withdrawl is totally over now and she feels fine! Yay for blessings from God. I wish you could just meet all these awesome people! My weak emails just don't do them justice! The Lord has been blessing us to find lots of families this transfer!
Well I just want to say that I learned that when we pray for things... the Lord really helps us out... basic right? But sometimes I forget to pray about the little things thinking that it really won't make a difference - but it DOES. It is so funny, I'm a missionary, you think I'd know that by now... but we keep learning something new every day... usually more simple than profound.
It was so hot I seriously couldn't breathe . . .
Haha so what exactly did you do at poetry camp? I bet it was a lot different than girls camp :) But the pictures look beautiful! Green hills... what a concept :) We went to Walmart today and there is a little mini 5 foot hill and it was super exciting for us... because everything is flat here haha. The cool part is that I'm just so busy as a missionary, it hasn't really bugged me. That is cool you got to talk about the church with the lady you carpooled with! It is sad how often that happens that we say something or give a look or something that can be taken offensive :( It is always sad when we talk with people that have had a bad experience. I think as members sometimes we just don't even realize... que triste.
It is raining over there? Woah. Here it hasn't been too bad... except one day this week. Friday we went to walk to go contacting in the hot sun. After 20 minutes we got there and Sister Feito and I were dripping... it was really gross! The weirdest thing happened too - it was so hot I seriously couldn't breathe. I told Sister Feito that she needed to talk to the next person because I couldn't do it... it was really weird. Then somebody gave us cold water bottles. I drank the whole thing right away and was fine after that :)
One of our investigators came to church again! She is so funny. I think she would be a good greener. She has read all the intro to the Book of Mormon. The process with her is going to be a slow one but once she gets there, she will be solid! Everyone else that we are teaching all slept in and didn't come to church :( This week was a challenging one for me. I fasted on Sunday for the strength and the desire to get out there and talk to people this week. Every time we were going to go contact, I just had this dreadful wave come over my body like "I'm just so tired... I don't want to be rejected... and it is hot." I know the adversary is working on me. After I fasted and prayed, I felt better. I feel better now, but I know it is going to be a constant battle. It makes me feel a little better to know that even Christ at one point asked if He could pass the trial... but realizing it was necessary and that He already committed to it... He prayed harder and made it through. Never give up, never surrender!
Last night we had a miracle. We were going to go visit a former investigator when we saw this lady taking out the trash... we went over to talk with her. The first thing I said to her was "Me gusta su pelo... lo pinto?" haha because she had dyed her hair a nice red color and I liked it... we then went on to explain who we were. There was just something in her eyes that you knew she was searching.... you knew she was hurting. We talked for a bit. She just moved from Monterey, Mexico to here. It is just her and her sweet little baby. She was talking about what horrible conditions she lived in there and it made me sad :/ She said she knew we were the angels that God sent to help her fix her relationship with Him. We are going back tonight so I'll update you how it goes next week. I'm just so grateful to live here in this country. We are so blessed.
Welp I'm off! Thanks so much for your email! Take care and LOVE YA!
P.S. 5301 N 17th St #11
McAllen, TX 78504
is my new address... but packages you can mail to the mission office because we go by all the time and it is a secure drop off place.
It is raining over there? Woah. Here it hasn't been too bad... except one day this week. Friday we went to walk to go contacting in the hot sun. After 20 minutes we got there and Sister Feito and I were dripping... it was really gross! The weirdest thing happened too - it was so hot I seriously couldn't breathe. I told Sister Feito that she needed to talk to the next person because I couldn't do it... it was really weird. Then somebody gave us cold water bottles. I drank the whole thing right away and was fine after that :)
One of our investigators came to church again! She is so funny. I think she would be a good greener. She has read all the intro to the Book of Mormon. The process with her is going to be a slow one but once she gets there, she will be solid! Everyone else that we are teaching all slept in and didn't come to church :( This week was a challenging one for me. I fasted on Sunday for the strength and the desire to get out there and talk to people this week. Every time we were going to go contact, I just had this dreadful wave come over my body like "I'm just so tired... I don't want to be rejected... and it is hot." I know the adversary is working on me. After I fasted and prayed, I felt better. I feel better now, but I know it is going to be a constant battle. It makes me feel a little better to know that even Christ at one point asked if He could pass the trial... but realizing it was necessary and that He already committed to it... He prayed harder and made it through. Never give up, never surrender!
Last night we had a miracle. We were going to go visit a former investigator when we saw this lady taking out the trash... we went over to talk with her. The first thing I said to her was "Me gusta su pelo... lo pinto?" haha because she had dyed her hair a nice red color and I liked it... we then went on to explain who we were. There was just something in her eyes that you knew she was searching.... you knew she was hurting. We talked for a bit. She just moved from Monterey, Mexico to here. It is just her and her sweet little baby. She was talking about what horrible conditions she lived in there and it made me sad :/ She said she knew we were the angels that God sent to help her fix her relationship with Him. We are going back tonight so I'll update you how it goes next week. I'm just so grateful to live here in this country. We are so blessed.
Welp I'm off! Thanks so much for your email! Take care and LOVE YA!
P.S. 5301 N 17th St #11
McAllen, TX 78504
is my new address... but packages you can mail to the mission office because we go by all the time and it is a secure drop off place.
Last week I hit my year mark here in the mission
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE CHELSEA IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 That is so crazy. The mission goes by so fast. Last week I hit my year mark here in the mission. I'm not going to lie... I am HUMAN. The past couple of days have been hard for me. I feel like sometimes I'm lazily dragging. I LOVE being here and I LOVE sharing the gospel... but I feel like my diligence has been slacking a little bit. For example, we'll be going to an appointment and I see someone across the street and I'll just keep going instead of going out of my way to talk to them or just give them a card really quick. Don't worry I'm repenting!!!!! I want to finish strong. I want to finish with that same fire I came out with. I had a really good study this morning which helped me a lot though.
Thanks so much for the package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOVED IT! All the clothes are beautiful. I'm excited to wear them all. You bought me a lot Mom! One of the skirts was too small... haha because I've gained a bit but I've decided to give it to one of our investigators. She is 21 and super excited about being baptized. She just told us last night how she has been on her own since she was 15 - working and paying rent and everything for herself. She has been nervous about coming to church becuase she doesn't have a skirt... so I think she'll really like that one :) I'll tell her it was from you. I also LOVED LOVED LOVEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD THE PUMPKIN BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!! I ATE LIKE THE WHOLE LOAF ON SATURDAY. The other two I put in the freezer for when I'm done with my diet :)
So this area is blooming. Two of our investigators are single moms and the relief society lesson was on family responsibility. It was seriously the perfect lesson for them. I think they both liked it a lot. One of them is seriously so funny. She is a young mom that is kind of a hippie chick and talks slow and loves tye-dye and sparkles :) We get along great haha.
I know the Lord's hand is in this work. I'm so grateful to be in such a fruitful part of the vineyard.
It was cool to see what people said for my bday! Tell them all hello! I would love to write Aloha but I don't know where she is at... maybe I'll send it home and you can forward it?
Thanks so much for the package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOVED IT! All the clothes are beautiful. I'm excited to wear them all. You bought me a lot Mom! One of the skirts was too small... haha because I've gained a bit but I've decided to give it to one of our investigators. She is 21 and super excited about being baptized. She just told us last night how she has been on her own since she was 15 - working and paying rent and everything for herself. She has been nervous about coming to church becuase she doesn't have a skirt... so I think she'll really like that one :) I'll tell her it was from you. I also LOVED LOVED LOVEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD THE PUMPKIN BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!! I ATE LIKE THE WHOLE LOAF ON SATURDAY. The other two I put in the freezer for when I'm done with my diet :)
So this area is blooming. Two of our investigators are single moms and the relief society lesson was on family responsibility. It was seriously the perfect lesson for them. I think they both liked it a lot. One of them is seriously so funny. She is a young mom that is kind of a hippie chick and talks slow and loves tye-dye and sparkles :) We get along great haha.
I know the Lord's hand is in this work. I'm so grateful to be in such a fruitful part of the vineyard.
It was cool to see what people said for my bday! Tell them all hello! I would love to write Aloha but I don't know where she is at... maybe I'll send it home and you can forward it?
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I'm super blessed to be in such a ready part of the world.
Gracias por su email. It was good to hear from you! Que lastima about the fishing :( Was it too early in the season? The pictures that Dad sent made it look like you had a great time! It sounds like you are running around like crazy visiting everyone! That is fun. Tell everyone hello for me :)
Okay so I'm in the Edinburg zone... but the area that I'm really in is called McAllen West. IT IS SUPER DIFFERENT! It is kind of weird to be at the heart and center. The Mission President and his wife are in OUR area... so we could go knock their street and technically go and visit them because they are members of the ward haha. It is kind of weird to see them all the time. Our area is a very weathly area.... which makes it kind of hard sometimes. When I got here there wasn't anyone progressing. That is just how the work goes sometime - but it doesn't have to! All this is a challenge of my faith - whether I REALLY trust in the Lord that there are people out there that are ready. We found four people that commited to being baptized :) It is special to see that through faith and diligent work that we can find those people.
I'm super blessed to be in such a ready part of the world. Sister Feito is awesome. She has a really cute personality and is super positive and never complains.
I'm grateful for all of your prayers on my behalf. I need them and can feel them working and strengthening me to keep going each day.
It is the rainy season here in south Texas :) Last week we walked to an appointment.. the sky was clear. Our appointment fell through and suddenly it started POURING POURING POURING haha so we were completely soaked from head to toe in two minutes. People were honking at us... a few times we got completely sprayed with water from the cars passing by... I felt like we were in a movie haha when the person is completely down in the dumps about life... and then they get SPLASHED with a wave of water from a car driving past... except we weren't down in the dumps, it was actually kind of fun.
Okay so I'm in the Edinburg zone... but the area that I'm really in is called McAllen West. IT IS SUPER DIFFERENT! It is kind of weird to be at the heart and center. The Mission President and his wife are in OUR area... so we could go knock their street and technically go and visit them because they are members of the ward haha. It is kind of weird to see them all the time. Our area is a very weathly area.... which makes it kind of hard sometimes. When I got here there wasn't anyone progressing. That is just how the work goes sometime - but it doesn't have to! All this is a challenge of my faith - whether I REALLY trust in the Lord that there are people out there that are ready. We found four people that commited to being baptized :) It is special to see that through faith and diligent work that we can find those people.
I'm super blessed to be in such a ready part of the world. Sister Feito is awesome. She has a really cute personality and is super positive and never complains.
I'm grateful for all of your prayers on my behalf. I need them and can feel them working and strengthening me to keep going each day.
It is the rainy season here in south Texas :) Last week we walked to an appointment.. the sky was clear. Our appointment fell through and suddenly it started POURING POURING POURING haha so we were completely soaked from head to toe in two minutes. People were honking at us... a few times we got completely sprayed with water from the cars passing by... I felt like we were in a movie haha when the person is completely down in the dumps about life... and then they get SPLASHED with a wave of water from a car driving past... except we weren't down in the dumps, it was actually kind of fun.
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