August 3, 2010
OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PACKAGE OF SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE ALL SO CUTE AND I LOVE THEM. I HAVE THE BEST FAMILY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HONESTLY I REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE THE SHIRTS MAMA Y THE BEEF JERKY PAPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank for sending the book, Jesus the Christ... I can barely understand that in English haha but one day I will understand it in Spanish so thank you for that! It will be a great resource to use for sure. Did I mention I love the shirts? They are beautiful and I'm wearing one right now! The striped one :) Okay but thank you thank you. I OWE YOU SOOOOO MUCH! My roomate and I chowed down on the jerky as soon as we opened the package. But honestly I seriousely have the best family ever. Last night in my prayers I went through every single one of you and thanked Heavenly Father for what you have done for me and taught me in my life. I love you all!
That is a really cool analogy about the dollar bill!!! I might actually use that for one of my investigators right now - Alejandro. He doesn't really like churches right now because they have made him feel like he is a bad person in the past... it might help. I can't believe Hyemin, Sung Keun and Fic are all gone :( sad day!!!!!! If they are reading this, HELLO HYEMIN, SUNG KEUN AND FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU AND DAD WENT ON A VACATION TO THE COAST?!!!!!!! AWESOME! HOW WAS IT? WAHT PART DID YOU GO TO???? Oh and you are at Mackay right now!!!!!!!!!! I was just telling my companions about it and how I love to go fly fishing. Catch tons for me!!!!!!!
Tell Bishop hello for me!!!!!!! I'll have to send him a note sometime. GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARIKA SENT ME COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I got it during class and we were all trying to figure out what it was and who it was from (because it was same day delivery from BYU) so we all took turns sniffing it and shaking it. The box smelled like pizza so we were all certain that it was pizza haha and all the Elder's were like you are going to share right?! Later at my dorm we opened it and it was COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYY! HAHA we gobbled them down right away of course and then worked it off with some sand volleyball. THANK YOU MARIKA THEY WERE DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! I SHOWED PRESIDENT STACEY THE NOTE :)
The Elder's in my district are basically all my little brother's now. Yesterday one asked me "Hermana Bricker are you ever in a bad mood?" LA VIDA ES BUENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've seen me in plenty of bad moods though mom haha. But really life is sooooooo good here! I'm excited for the field because then it will be real and I get to go outside all the time... but I'm really learning a ton here. We invited one of our investigators to church this week and he came! He is progressing well and feeling the Spirit. He isn't being easy on us though, we really have to strive hard to meet his needs and answer his questions.
This gospel helps everyone. I am beginning to see that ANY QUESTION WE HAVE WITH OUR LIVES can be answered from the Book of Mormon. I see miracles every day. The Lord is sustaining me for sure.
You are all the best and TE AMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have time please pray for me to learn Spanish! I need help. OH YEAH AND I CAN'T BELIEVE IT HAS BEEN 4 WEEKS ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!! TIME FLIES WHEN YOU'RE HAVING FUN!
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